Packed with 14 smashin' blues & roots songs!
Dusty Dave & The Heart Attacks are not new on the scene anymore. These guys smell like brisk haircream, water of cologne and guest room soap. The makers of the band Lucky Steve, Dynamite White, Ray Black, Rockin' Bende und Dusty Dave are already playing successfully in other bands, like the The Booze Bombs, Ray Black & The Flying Carpets , Devils & Söhne or Fenders 55.
Their new project is dedicated to blues-boppers and rockin’ blues on the trails of Hound Dog Taylor, Sonny Terry and R.L. Burnside, whose spirits they attempt to pursue in their own frenetic style. But the band also plays a bunch of high quality original songs that they wrote themselves and round off the repertoire. After releasing their first single on Rhythm Bomb Records with former singer "Screamin' Viktor" the band put out their first, full length album in the summer of 2017 with their new singer Dusty Dave. Of course this album was also released on the highly regarded Rhythm Bomb Records label and is available from dealers worldwide.
Past Festival Shows
- Big Rhythm Rumble Rock’n’Roll Weekender (Ulm, Germany)
- Rust’n’Dust Jalopy (Teterow, Germany)
- Rockabilly Convention (Pullman City, Germany)
- Rockabilly Barn #15 (Gifhorn, Germany)
- Trash Town Rockabilly Festival (Baden, Switzerland)
- Rockabilly Stomp #8 (Gerlafingen, Switzerland)
- Happy Days No.6 (Tournefeuille, France)
- Rockabilly Days 2018 (Freiberg, Germany)
- RocknRoll & Rockabilly Night (Herxheim, Germany)
The sound of Dusty Dave
Dynamite White
Lucky Steve
Dusty Dave
Rockin' Bende
Ray Black
Dusty Dave & The Heart Attacks - One Beer Left (2017, Rhythm Bomb Records)
After releasing their debut single on Rhythm Bomb Records in 2014, The Heart Attacks are finally back with a full length album, featuring an even more brute sound and a new singer called Dusty Dave. Dave totally lives up to his name and graces the 14 songs with his distinctive, smokey voice, sometimes reminiscent of the mississippi delta, sometimes reminiscent of chicago. He is getting support by Lucky Steve on guitar, Dynamite White on Blues Harp, Rockin’ Bende on Drums and Ray Black on Bass, who is also in charge as the producer of this record.
„One Beer Left“ is a longplayer which ranges stilistically from extensive, spherical blues boppers to groovy early 60’s R&B to dirty Rockin’ Blues. A musical challenge which is pretty hard to accomplish but invites the audience to an interesting trip through the world of the blues.
In contrast to other blues bands, who cover classical material in a perfect way, Dusty Dave & The Heart Attacks prove that they are darn good at one central thing: putting their hearts and souls into their music.
The work on this record started already in 2013, when the band wrote songs like „Champion of the blues“ or worked on their own version of the well known traditional, „In my time of dying“.
From this time on the band worked hard on cover material and came up with their own material aswell.
But it is a well known fact, that the best work gets done, when under pressure and that’s why most of the original songs by the band were written shortly before the studio dates or even in the car, driving to the studio in the morning, just like „Candyman Boogie“ for example.
When you listen to the recordings you clearly hear the atmosphere of the sessions, which were held at vintage recording studio „Black Shack Recordings“. Everything was tracked live and in one room together. Obviously a situation which demands full engangement and concentration of the 5 musicians but also stimulates the emotional aspect of the performances. There are only a few older recordings from 2014, where Dave’s voice had to be overdubbed or other songs, where boogie woogie piano talent Sascha Kommer layed his mojo on them.
The outcome is an album loaded with 50 minutes of dynamite, which once ignited, leaves nothing but dust and the blues.
And perhaps one last beer.
Good old school blues inspired by Hound Dog Taylor and R.L. Burnside. A dark brown voice, screaming harp, solid rhythm section and handsome guitar licks make this album extremely enjoyable.
"This German band has absorbed the essence of the blues and infused it with a new energy. It’s all good, but the shining star here that can’t be ignored is the super-charged harmonica ace Dynamite White. His wild force on the Mississippi saxophone can’t be contained. Dusty Dave’s rough hewn voice is perfectly suited to the songs contained here. Lucky Steve’s guitar is spot on whether it be Chicago blues, jump blues or other. He can conjure up that crude sound of some of the earlier players when the need is there. Rockin’ Bende’s drumming is as authentic as all get out. The use of the upright bass of Ray Black harkens back to the early Chess recordings. At first shudder the band posing in stereotypical blues attire lead me to thing there is some hokey music contained inside. Oh contraire. That can’t be farther from the truth. The originals and covers breathe with a new life....It’s a heart warming thing that authentic but not museum piece blues seems to be emanating from disparate parts of the globe. This band takes the roots of blues and turns it into something fresh and invigorating. I sure hope Dusty Dave and crew keep their high quality blues thriving." (10/10 points)
"Für mich waren sie neu, die Band Dusty Dave & The Heart Attacks. Aber die Band aus Calw im Schwarzwald besteht schon seit 2013. Die Akteure der Band sind gestande Musiker und auch noch an anderen Musikprojekten beteiligt. Die neue CD befasst sich, wie sie selber schreiben, mit Blues Boppers u. Rockin´ Blues. Anderswo ist zu lesen es sei Juke Joint-Bandblues. Was ich dazu sagen kann, sie gehen ab wie „Schmitz Katze“ und bringen sicherlich ihr Publikum bei Liveauftritten ganz schön in Schwung.
Das ist zumindest den 14 Titel auf der CD zu entnehmen.""Rockabilly, Dirty South Blues, rollender Rock’n’Roll und Boogie Woogie und herrlich schrömmeliger Roots-Sound US-Amerikanischer Zeichnung sind die Pfründe, aus denen sich die Band bedient.
Frontmann und Sänger Dusty Dave führt seine Herzinfarkte Lucky Steve (Gitarre), Dynamite White (Mundharmonika), Rockin’ Bende (Schlagzeug) sowie, last but not least, Ray Black (Bass) mit beherztem, süffisantem, ganz offensichtlich nicht immer ernst gemeinten (das Cover-Artwork und der Albumtitel sprechen bereits Bände) Schmiss durch die 14 immens kurzweiligen Tunes des Sets (der CD), die Rawand Baziany alias Ray Black als Produzent im Black Shack Recordings-Studio in Calw die Band hat live einspielen lassen.
Authentizität steht, wie so oft bei der Musik des Rhythm Bomb Records-Labels, an vorderster Front der „One Beer Left“-Veröffentlichung von Dusty Dave & The Heart Attacks, weswegen das Album großartige Erdung aufweist, die jene Authentizität in wunderbar coolen, fast federleichten Zeitgeist umwandelt – „alte“ Musik ist „neue“ Musik!
Auch an der Schraube der Abwechslung drehen Dusty Dave und seiner Biertrinker mit geschickter Hand und lassen dem Werk Durchzugskraft als auch filigranes Konzeptalbumgefühl angedeihen, was dem Sound und, noch viel wichtiger, dem Soundgefühl von Dusty Dave & The Heart Attacks‘ „One Beer Left“ die Krone aufsetzt – unterhaltsam bis in die Haarspitzen und unbedingt empfehlenswert!"
Wir sind wieder um eine Spitzenband reicher! Und diese ist aus Deutschland! Entdecke Dusty Dave & the Heart Attacks und lass dich von diesem Debütalbum komplett wegblasen. Und das wird definitiv passieren, denn diese Band spielt Rhythm & Blues mit Eiern!
DJ Spy
"Hold your Ears Folks! I had the Chance to listen to the brand new Dusty Dave & The Heartattacks Record! 15 great Blues & R&B Songs coming to this world very soon. My favorite songs are "Worried Mind" and "The New Rocker“."Debütalbum der neuen Rockin‘ Harp Blues-Sensation aus Calw auf RHYTHM BOMB. Calw im Nordschwarzwald ist Rock’n’Roll Fans sicher nicht in erster Linie als Geburtsstadt HERMANN HESSEs ein Begriff. Der vergleichsweise kleine Ort beherbergt mit dem BLACK SHACK RECORDINGS nicht nur ein waschechtes Vintage-Analogstudio von internationalem Ruf, auch zugkräftige Szenebands wie THE BOOZE BOMBS oder DEVILS & SOEHNE prägen das Szenario. Das Quintett um Sänger DUSTY DAVE verschweigt daher gar nicht erst, dass seine Mitglieder neben diesen beiden Formationen auch bei Ray Black & The Flying Carpets und THE FENDERS 55 aktiv sind. Laut charmanter Selbstbeschreibung mit einem Odeur von Brisk Haarcreme, Kölnisch Wasser und Gästezimmerseife versehen, reißt das Quintett mit den 14 Songs auf „One Beer Left“ hingegen mal eben die Wand ein: knarziger Juke Joint-Bandblues in rau belassenen Analog-Klangbild und mit allgegenwärtig heulender Harp, spritzige Spielfreude und eine Versiertheit sowohl bei Coverversionen von Classics wie auch hervorragendem Eigenmaterial. Überwiegend energetisch und uptempo setzt die Band sofort ein dickes Ausrufezeichen in die deutschen Blues-Landschaft. Durchaus Retro, aber mit verblüffend viel Charme und Schwung. Ist das Baden-Württemberg? Tipp!
- Press Package
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